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Enrollment Grows Under President Vic Schmidt

During Schmidt’s tenure as president, the Academy experienced a 32 percent rate of growth in enrollment, including the highest re-enrollment percentage achieved in more than 20 years in 2007. Through Schmidt’s leadership, the school expanded its Learning Skills Program; increased the Academy’s property holdings by 20 percent; established an Animal Husbandry Program with a full range of 4-H activities; and created a comprehensive Strategic Plan to design a roadmap for the Academy’s future. Additionally, under Schmidt’s guidance, the Academy established a Student Advisory Program, providing staff mentors for all students.

Having completed 16 years of service to the Academy, Mr. Schmidt retired as president on July 1, 2008. He was presented with the highest award the Academy can bestow on a person, the Exemplary Service Medal. Mayor Susan Narvaiz also proclaimed August 6 as “Vic Schmidt Day” in San Marcos as she recognized Mr. Schmidt for his contributions to the Academy and to Christian education. Sadly, Mr. Schmidt experienced health problems after his retirement and passed away Dec. 19, 2008. His loyal, committed service will be long remembered and honored by the Academy family.
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